Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On and Off

Everyday riding a different bus, in a same hour. It's good to see the variety class of people, dressed well, ready for work.

There's a girl, fair skin, in white tee, it's must be they working attire. I always hoping she rides the same bus as mine. She sat in the front seat, I'm at back. Guessing her background, imaging if she's mine, you know, playing the how-if game.

Arrived at destination, the switch automatically turned off, now job commitment turned on. The next morning it goes the same. On and Off.

Well, that's keep my feeling stay normal. You know, heart rusting too.


Aweyn said...

dalam diam memerhati seorg wanita kaa
eheheh :P

Owen said...

shh...jgn kasitau org arr.. hahaha

MISELnamapendek said...

Being in a rut is usually frustrating but when it involves the opposite sex then there's nothing you can whine about. ;)

Mas Mohd Yunus said...

hati2 nek bas ok. hahaha

Daishie Dc said...

mata dia mmg capture smua benda.

Owen said...

wow.. pujian kaitu..

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