Friday, July 31, 2009

Terbongkar: Kem ala tentera pelajar seni UiTM

Gambar-gambar ini diambil secara curi dari markas pemantapan student seni UiTM oleh seorang penyiasat peribadi yang pernah menjadi pelakon sampingan dalam drama popular 'X-files'.

figure 1.0
Salah seorang dari pelajar (rujuk figure 1.0) yang menghadiri kem ini di'tattoo' secara paksa di seluruh bahagian muka termasuk leher. Ramai yang telah ditattoo mengambil keputusan untuk membunuh diri dengan melemaskan diri. Anda dapat lihat pada latar belakang gambar di atas.

figure 2.0
Disebabkan kekurangan makanan, mereka terpaksa mengorbankan salah satu dari rakan mereka untuk dijadikan santapan petang.

figure 2.1
Dapat dilihat di gambarajah(figure 2.1) di atas, salah seorang pelajar sedang menjamu sebahagian tubuh rakan mereka.

figure 2.2
Gambarajah menunjukan seorang pelajar cuba menerkam nelayan yang kebetulan lalu di kawasan tersebut.

figure 3.0
Salah seorang pelajar perempuan yang gagal menjawap pantun ditanam, dan disimen, lalu dibiarkan selama dua malam.

figure 4.0
Adegan disimbah cecair radioaktif menjadi perkara biasa.

figure 5.0
Mereka masih perihatin terhadap penularan H1N1, sesiapa yang memakai mask (dikira sebagai saspek) akan dikuarintinkan, mereka akan dihalau ke pulau lain.

Semua adalah rekaan semata. Melaka trip is the s**t! UiTM ArtDesign yo!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Senarai #1 Perkara dibenci di bilik asrama.

Blog lain, ada lirik lagu, ada video, ada tag, ada senarai. Jeles juga kadang-kadang. hua hua.
Mungkin saya semakin kearah kenormalan bila timbul keinginan-keinginan seperti ini.

Okay, sudah 4 tahun saya menduduki asrama, 2 tahun time form six, 2 tahun di sini Shah Alam. Yeah of course banyak perkara yang saya benci, dan mungkin kamu juga akan benci.

jeng jeng jeng..

Perkara dibenci di bilik asrama.
1. Makan dan lari
Memang layak untuk no.1, sebab baru saja terjadi, I'm so pissed off bila diorang ni gathering sambil makan maggi ramai-ramai tengah malam, lepas tu besok pagi, singki penuh, dengan maggi-magginya nya tidak habis. Kadang-kadang plastik maggi dan perencah-perencah pun dibiarkan atas meja tu. Macam one night stand pula.

2. Pasang musik dengan kuat
Memang annoying bila kawan sebilik pasang lagu dari laptop diorang dengan kuat, lebih-lebih lagi bila playlist yang dimainkan langsung tidak kena dengan test anda. Kenapa rock kapak?
Lagi memualkan bila lagu dimainkan berulang-ulang sampai satu ketika itu earphone amat diperlukan.

3. Kaki busuk!
Ada sesetengah orang memang dilahirkan dengan kaki yang mudah berpeluh, senang cerita kaki busuk. Kalau baru balik kelas or futsal, fuh! jangan crita la. Tapi mostly orang macam ni tidak sedar kaki diorang ada aroma yang amat menarik. So diorang tidak terfikir pun untuk basuh. Kalau suruh diorang basuh secara direct macam kurang ajar pula kan.

Sepatutnya di sekolah perlu ada didikan tentang penjagaan aroma kaki.

4. Bising time orang tidur.
Tempoh tidur saya tersangatlah minimum, dan selalunya saya tidur pada waktu siang. Memandangkan member di katil sebelah ni rapat dengan geng pondan, so selalu lah pondan tu datang lawat, dan diorang 'minta puji' sesama mereka. Kalau kamu kenal pondan, kamu paham lah macamana 'minta puji' yang saya maksudkan.

5. 'Wardrobe' di tempat sidaian kain.
Tempat sidaian kami sangat terhad, 6 orang terpaksa berkongsi 3 dawai pendek itu. Memang sial bila selalu saja penuh, masalahnya semua kain tu kering, dan cuma diambil bila hendak dipakai. Semak! Pusat pembiakan nyamuk! Takkan mahu saya tolong diorang hantar boxer-boxer diorang ke katil masing-masing?

akan diupdate kemudian. saya rasa ada lagi.

Hari rabu malam khamis.

Any girl will looks even cool with they guitar and voice. They don't need handbag or jewelry.

Back in secondary school, I have crush on a girl, she play guitar, she sing, and she draw. Cool.
She sent me 'Buble talk' of her singing a few times, I listen to them over and over again, but when another buble talk messege came, and it's gone.

I missed those moment.

Video sekadar hiasan

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A thursday rant.

Breath in, breath out, mostly breath out actually. I failed to do a lot of things that I've planned, maybe it just a little things, but, it makes me a perfect loser somehow.

Actually our department has organize a trip tomorrow, to Melaka, great place, which a state that have a great number of H1N1 increasing. What a great idea right?

Positively, maybe I'll get my inspiration there? I do need em'.

My rival, is my ex-schoolmates. Now they all doing great in they own field, now they slowly began to own the field. Some them became singer, businessmen, musician, stylist, nurse, they doing great keeping they update on facebook status. I'm still searching. That's makes me not their rival anymore.

Sometime I blamed the people around me, they less-ambitious. I can't develop in atmosphere.
Yeah, this is me, always blame others.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Seriously, we are not pervert as you think.

It's quite busy lately, a lot of research to do, but off course I'm not doing it seriously, I'm not that serious anymore, I'm starting to take it lightly.

About my research, we were asked to conduct a research on Master Card payment receiver, so we have to take a picture on the usage of it. Without permission, permission never been a easy way, it's take a long time to get the approval.

Our group began to play our part in shooting photo illegally, of course not with digital camera!

It's fun actually, running away from guard, wild stare by the cashier, and act. There's a situation when I with a friend (also group member), waiting at the bench next to cashier counter, with our camera in standby mode, and the a guard came from behind and said...

"Kamu buat apa kat sini? tengok orang pompuan bayar sluaq dalam ka?"

OMG, we didn't realise that we at the lingerie section. for a long time, and taking picture (using camera-phone) when they paying for their lingerie. Seriously, we didn't notice that.

We just want to take the master card paying machine-lah!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dengarnya... menyampah dengan perangai artis baru.

Every morning, I read online news paper, it became a part of my breakfast, Internet are great, it served everything what you wish to see.

But anyway, what annoy me about news is, they put unnecessary article on it, you know, the writer (mostly entertainment writer) think they have some sort of power to control the industry, you know, like Oprah maybe.

Somehow It's make me laughed, the stupid-ness of Malaysian that shown. I didn't get it, why do the writer hate people with an ambitious spirit?

The article is here

A few things why our local entertainment (not all of course) article are suck.
1) They mentioning they pen-name (Kak Bedah, Cik Normah, etc) over and over again so they gain more popularity.

2) The title article always arouse reader curiousity
for example, Dengarnya.... Lagi artis Melayu dicekup. Dengar-dengar... menyampah dengan artis baru.

Please don't annoy these helpless reader.

A little bit of my week


H1N1 Scanning

Putrajaya Night Market



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Delete! Delete what you want!

If I could delete things on earth. I will delete;

Handphone, Car, Road, Datukisme, Factory, Plastic, Politic and ... fashion.

Ok, it might irrelevant, we might need em' somehow. But don't be so serious, it just because I hate them in most of time.

How about you, is there anything you want to delete?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My sweet roomates.

It's great to live in a hostel. You know, experiencing the student life.. bla bla bla.
But 1 thing one hate about hostel is, they picks randomly about room, and roommates.
This semester, my roommates are among 'the auw', ala... the type of human that they called 'sotong'.

I'm not really hate them of course, but they kinda irritating because of the way they laugh, the way they never care about people who sleep. I still can stand loud sound when i sleep or nap, but i can't stand when the sound is loud... and creepy. If only the sound-proof headphone cheaper.

If they were a man, I already stone-cold-stunner their neck, tapi apa kan daya, mereka insan yang lemah.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Misteri Nasi Hilang

Pukul 9.30pm, nasi lemak depan gate itu mesti sudah standby.
Sesi sindir-menyindir dalam bilik pun start.

"Lan, Ko buat pa?"
"aku? ni nak install game ni, babi.. takleh install ah. crack dah crack dah"

Saya terhidu peluang, lantas memberi option yang sukar untuk dia tolak.

"Em Lan, mari saya tulong install, Confirm dapat punya.Em... Ko rasa nasi lemak tu sudah buka kah?"
"Tak tau la, Apok.. ko taknak pi beli nasi ker?" Lan tanya Apok pula. Apok tengah busy dengan YM. Sambil tersenggih-sengih sendiri pula tu.

Lan politik sikit dengan Apok, last-last, terpaksa Apok surrender, dengan syarat Lan pergi sekali.
So, diorang pun bersiap-siap untuk keluar. Dengan tebal muka, saya sempat pesan nasi.

"Nasi sama bergedel ah? Bayar ba nanti."

"Ok" Jawap Lan dengan nada kurang ikhlas.

Sekali lagi taktik berjaya. Oh yeah.


Sedar tidak sedar, Apok kembali bermain 'buzz' di YMnya.
Lan atas katil, layan kreko. Budak manga betul.

Dengan perut lapar, dan sedikit muka tebal, saya intro;
"Ok la, meh makannnnnn!"

Respon diorang lambat, seminit kemudian baru bangun.
Lan ambil bungkusan nasi yang baru dibeli tadi.

"Aik? dua jak?mana satu lagi?" Apok hairan.
"Kamu memang beli dua kah tadi?" Saya pun hairan.
"Yelah, tadi ade kat sini." Lan lagi hairan.

Kami pun geledah-geledah sekitar rumah, bawah katil, singki, dalam loker, last-last, tong sampah pun kami check.

Sia-sia, hilang tanpa kesan. Saya terpaksa surrender.
"Makanlah kamu, saya suda makan maggi juga tadi."
Lantas mereka start makan. tanpa belas kasihan.

Saya saspek, diorang memang tidak beli.Sit men.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


After 2 years, it's feel like home here. In this Hostel, of course.
Now I moved to another room, the wall still same, the comfortness of the bed still same, the furniture, the sound of the fan, still the same, only the room number is different, you know, hostel, all the room are the same, but sometime, you'll get a room with a 'great' sink.

What great about this room is, I can see the sky through the window, compare to the previous room,another building is just outside the window.
Sky gives me a lot of inspiration, it's just like a blank paper for me, I can't stand when there's a blank paper in front of me!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Check this out.

Cool our own Sabahan underground bands. You guys should check it out.
Warning, all the band listed are for hardcore, grindcore, punk related listener only.


We are the primitives.

Maybe we too care about little things. When we gather around, we start to talk about little things, about family, about our friends, about bosses, about they history. That's our problem, too care about little things, we easily proud by a little things.

If those Renaissance still exist, they still better than us. They never stop talking about ideas, concept, philosophy, theory, formula and art. We just the primitives with a trendy clothes and cool car.

Photo 1.3 megapix.

Design, Print, and Silk Screen. To be too amaze by the quality.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


A cup of coffee, to relieve my headache. Staring computer screen for a whole day sometime do suffer my head.

Tomorrow going to be my last day of working, it's kinda difficult to leave the place that you really comfortable with, where people needing you more. I been through this feeling once before continuing my study here in UiTM, the excitement of the workplace almost make the decision hard whether to leave or stay.

Well, human have to be logic so they not get humiliate by them self. Now I have to graduate fast to get my life back.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Sitting on the couch, thoughtless head, and i realise, I have no one.

I use to have one, one who care about me, one who I care of, but what have I done, I leave it all behind. I'd put all those stuff in 'maybe next time' section.

I got a greater mission, greater things to achieve. I'll put aside every things that won't bring any help. Now they were faded, left far behind.

Sometime my A-side said I am cruel, evil, selfish, arrogant, say I should think of others too.

My B-side disagree answered, said, I just a people that become blind by love, loving someone so much and willing to do anything as long it is for his love. B-side said I'm in love with myself.

It's stupid because I ain't gonna marry with myself. freak B-Side.

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